Thursday, August 30, 2007

How Steve Jobs prepares for his key note speeches

I regard Steve Jobs as one of the best Marketers along with Richard Branson. He is not only a creative genius but also a visionary in the true sense. This article written by one of his former colleagues, Mike Evangelist, describing his experience on working with Steve Jobs on one of his keynote speeches. For those who have not been exposed to this earlier, these speeches are an event in themselves, delivered in large auditoriums to a packed audience of analysts, nerds and Jobs/Apple die-hard fans. They are also put live on the Internet and watched by thousands of geeks. What goes into preparing these keynote speeches is any day worth learning and probably everything one needs to know on how to prepare for a 'standing ovation'.
I have another treat for you. This is a video of one of Steve's keynote speeches and it's the one where i-Pod was launched. Enjoy!!

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