Monday, September 3, 2007

Nokia's Big Plans for India

Nokia is an unusual example of a business leader in the sense that it's origins do not lie in the usual suspect countries of US, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, France etc. nor in the Asian tigers.

For a company, which has its roots in paper, rubber and cables to become a giant in the field of technology and communications is a quantum leap. In 2005 Nokia sold its billionth phone when worldwide mobile phone subscriptions had passed the 2 billion mark.

India recently displaced the US as Nokia's second largest market behind China and this event has many ramifications (It seems Apple has refused to learn from this, it is yet to launch it's i-Phone in India or the other Asian markets and says it would be at least another year when that happens). In this interesting interview, the CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, while on his trip to India, speaks to Business Week on this tectonic change, how Nokia is gearing to benefit from it and how its next billion phones are going to be sold.

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